Uno di meno Lonely Girl
Uno di meno Lonely Girl
Though we are no more together , I never forget you even for a seconds , coz i know that youre the best for me . and i would like to be with you , coz you are my one one and only ..Ive always wanna best for you ... i hardly make my own decision to leave you , but your love was a sweet misery
The stars are glowing bright in the dark skies .And it reminds me of you who always shine on me , and i would never never leave you away .. Coz , im here for you , to say i love you ..
Well Itz in the mornin .. I couldnt sleep .. So decided to post
Some random quotes ..
U-G-L-Y . You better find Yourself another Guy .
Cause Chica Please believe I Own This ~!~